CASE STUDY: REED A40HP – Macdonald Contracting


Established in 1978, MacDonald Contracting (Australia) Pty Ltd is a wholly Australian, family owned business, providing specialist civil contracting services to the construction industry in New South Wales and all over Australia.

Their products and services include:

• Drilling & Installation of Temporary and Permanent Ground Anchors

• Rock Bolting and Rock face Stabilisation

• Soil Nailing

• Micro Piling

• Sand Stabilisation and Permeation Grouting

• Temporary and Permanent Shoring Systems

• Underpinning and Structural Modifications

Job Description

MacDonald Contracting own a REED A40HP Trailer Mounted Concrete Pump dedicated to shotcrete works and were engaged  by a client in Sydney’s Southern Suburbs on a rock wall stabilisation project to mesh and shotcrete a rock face wall overlooking the tranquil Burraneer Bay.

CGS Product Solution

A 70 slump shotcrete mix from Holcim was selected for use on the project due to the length of the push, some 100m in total down numerous tiled stairs reducing from 3” rubber pipe which was run a length of some 40m, down to 2” delivery hose.

A total of 35 cubic metres was sprayed in one day, to a depth of 180mm. The concrete was pumped entirely through rubber hoses, with only 3 lengths of steel used across a grass embankment at the reduction point of 3” to 2”. Once again the A Series machine proved to be capable of such a long push, versatile enough to be towed by a Mitsubishi Triton Ute and parked in the driveway for the day’s work.

In the 3 years this machine has been in operation from a maintenance perspective the A40 has had a set of Piston Cups replaced along with wear plates inside the hopper.